KOWALEC LAB Publications
Kowalec Lab members or affiliates are underlined
- Osiowy C, Kowalec K, Giles E. (2016) Discordant Diagnostic Results Due to a Hepatitis B Virus T123A HBsAg Mutant. Diagnos Microbiol Infect Dis. 85(3): 328-33. PMID: 27133305
- Kowalec K, Kingwell E, Yoshida EM, Marrie RA, Kremenchutzky M, Campbell T, Wadelius M, Carleton BC, Tremlett H. (2014) Characteristics associated with drug induced liver injury from interferon beta in multiple sclerosis patients. Expert Opin Drug Saf, 13(10): 1305-17. PMID: 25134421
- Kowalec K, Carleton BC, Tremlett, H. (2013) The potential role of pharmacogenomics in the prevention of serious adverse drug reactions in multiple sclerosis. Mult Scler Rel Dis, 2 (3): 183-192. PMID: 25877724
- Kowalec K, Yoshida EM, Traboulsee A, Carleton BC, Tremlett H. (2013). Suspected autoimmune hepatitis and primary biliary cirrhosis unmasked by interferon-beta in a multiple sclerosis patient. Mult Scler Rel Dis, 2 (1): 57-59. PMID: 25877455
- Kowalec K, Minuk GY, Børreson M, Simons B, McMahon B, and Osiowy C. (2013). Genetic diversity of hepatitis B virus genotypes B6, D and F among circumpolar indigenous individuals with various clinical outcomes. J Viral Hep, 20 (2): 122-30. PMID: 23301547
- Minuk GY, Kowalec K, Caouette S, Larke B. and Osiowy C. (2012). The prevalence and long-term outcome of occult hepatitis B virus infections in community based populations. J Med Virol, 84 (9): 1369-75. PMID: 22825815
- Osiowy C, Kaita K, Solar K, and Mendoza K. (2010) Hepatitis B virus molecular characterization and 9-year clinical profile in a patient infected with genotype I. J Med Virol, 82 (6): 942-8. PMID: 20419807
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